Monday, April 11, 2011

A Tough Habit

I stress about things. I was going to write a post about stressing about things but I started stressing that I couldn't find the right words. Writing should be a release, right? You shouldn't have to stress about finding the right words because if they are the right words they're going to come naturally.

I couldn't sleep because I was stressing about something that, this morning, I realized was a complete misunderstanding. And I'm stressing because I'm stressing because I think maybe other people will misunderstand the same thing in the same way. I'm stressing because I'm stressing because I'm stressing over things. I didn't sleep because I was stressing. If I had slept I wouldn't be stressing over stressing. I wouldn't be stressing about not having the right words.

But for now on, I'm going to try and take a friend of mine's advice; 'don't worry so much.' Because, you know what? In the end everything is going to be okay one way or another. That's already one of my convictions (things can't not get better). So, if I believe that everything will be okay why should I stress about the little things that aren't a big deal?

It's going to be a tough habit to break. Because you know what? I grew up stressing. Over finances, hurt horses, hurt parents, grades, and stupid things. I'm not saying that you should never stress. You wouldn't have any will to fix things, but maybe I shouldn't stress so much.

This seems a lot more personal than my other posts. But I'm not going to stress about it. :)

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