Monday, April 11, 2011

Dear People

Dear People,

You are amazing. You know that, right? Because we all have bad days. We all have days where we sit in bed and cry our eyes out. You want to know why you're amazing? Because you just keep going like the frikkin energizer bunny or something. You have the will to keep smiling even though you may be breaking on the inside.  The strength to wear your heart on your sleeve and take things as they come. You have the strength to brighten someone's day, even when you don't have the strength to brighten your own.

People are always more critical of themselves than everyone else is. Someone once told me not to take myself so seriously; no one else did. We're all human. We all have bad days, good days, okay days and maybe just 'there' days. We all feel like quitting, inspiring, hoping, dreaming, wishing, losing, hating, creating, faking, and being at one point or another. We're all good at some things and suck at others.

So, while I'm sitting here writing words of hope like the biggest hypocrite in the world, I want you to believe my words. Maybe if you believe them I will too.

Thank you, everyone. For showing me that there are amazing people out there. There are people who will care. A very important friend once told me that I was only pathetic to myself. I hope I have the courage to believe that.

You're all amazing.

With Love.

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