Tuesday, January 18, 2011


You know those nights where you think: “I’m just going to go to bed, and hope things will be better in the morning.” 

Those are the nights where you feel like you want to just quit trying so hard. Give it half your effort, rather than all of it. Give up, in a sense. If you gave up, though, then you lose. You lose, and then you are a quitter. You are being a wallflower, letting life do what it wants with you and being content with that.

Maybe you wanted something so bad, but you were afraid of just going for it in the best way. Or maybe you tried your best; you gave 100 percent and then some, but it didn’t make one bit of difference. Maybe you know you’ll keep giving your best, and you also know it won’t help at all. Maybe no matter what you did, it wasn’t ‘correct,’ and you got chewed out because of it. Maybe you made a decision you’re not sure about, but you’re going to follow it through anyways because that’s just the way you are.

Maybe you’re sick of ‘maybes’ and ‘chances’ and just want something solid beneath your feet.

Life rarely has sureties, almost nothing is certain. There is always a ‘chance,’ or a ‘maybe’ that something will come along, either good or bad, that changes things. And so it goes that the only surety is the fact that nothing is for sure.


  1. 100% and then some sounds like something everyone should pursue. Even when the chips are against them. And if they fall get back up and push harder. If there is one i hope i'm sure of at the end of the day, it's whether or not i did all i could fighting for my morals.

  2. Loveee the last part of the blog! :) "the on;y surety is the fact that nothing is for sure." It's so true..
