Monday, October 24, 2011


So... I was going to write about this a couple weeks ago, but I didn't think anyone would read it. I didn't think my words mattered if there was no one there to read them. I had a rough night last night, though. I didn't know what to do. I was facing both old and new problems and I didn't know what to do. I went back, and read all of my old blog posts.

I didn't even recognize them as mine. I didn't recognize the person that wrote those as the same person that was reading them. For months, I haven't been the spontaneous, (mostly) indifferent person I used to be. I haven't been confident and hopeful like I used to be.

But going back, I realized that I missed that person. I missed being happy and hard to bring down. I miss being able to do whatever I felt like without worrying about it. I'm sick of being who I was before last year. So, I'm trying to find me again.

Anyways, on to belonging. Everyone wants to feel like they belong somewhere. Whether it's in a clique or a club or a team or a church group. Everyone wants to feel like they have a place in the world where they won't be able to be replaced or kicked out of, where they can totally and truly say what they feel and not have to feel the least bit awkward or uncomfortable.

I think everyone needs a place like that.

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