Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And So I Go

So... I haven't blogged all summer. It's not that I couldn't. I could. I mean, I had plenty of time. And there were times I wanted to go back to this other writing outlet I'm not at liberty to disclose to you today. I felt like blogging was just part of my life in this little po-dunk hick town I moved away from.. But that's not true. Writing's a part of me. It's something I love to do and it's also something I do well.

So.... I took my new car and used my  new license to drive to my new to the local library, I got out my computer, and wrote this. Here, I'm free from anyone's opinions of me because no one knows me. And if they see me sitting writing like a nerd... so what? (I'm pretty sure everyone else is on Facebook, but I can do that at home) That's who I am. And no one should be afraid of what people think of them, because unless they care for you and love you, their opinions don't matter to you.

This post was a lot different from my last ones. But it's a new year, a new town, and almost a new life. I'm going to miss all of the people I'm leaving behind. I know it was worth going. In the short two years I lived there I learned a lot. I just hope I keep learning.

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