Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Be Yourself

And so it goes that people change over time. Normal, right? Right. But is it normal to change so much in so little time that the people who thought they knew you can't even tell if they're the same person any more?

Why is that? How and why do people change so much? Is it because they're fake now? Or that they'd never been real? They put on so many fake masks to try and please everyone and make everyone happy that they don't know who they are anymore. They've lost themselves among the hundreds of people they've created trying to please others.

My advice for those people is to just be yourself. Let the people that don't like it not like it and don't worry about it because the only person that has to like you is you.

What's that? People won't like you if you're just yourself? Trust me, some will. More people are going to dislike you for your lies and fakeness than the people that don't like you. Why would you want to be fake anyways?

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