Monday, March 7, 2011


And so it goes that sometimes people just have to accept facts. For instance, I'm going to have to accept the fact that I'm not going to be a great basketball player. I'm not giving up hope on becoming a player that's more than somewhat decent, if that's what it seems like, but I'm just accepting the fact that it's not my strong suit. While I'll still try hard, I'm not going to be disappointed if I'm not a Varsity starter or even make at all Varsity next year. I'm just going to work hard and do my best for the team I'm on. It's all anyone can ask of anyone when it comes to sports.

There are harder things to accept, I know.The fact that the way you feel, while it matters, doesn't change anything. The fact that a loved one isn't going to make much longer in this world, and you'll see your family stomp and kick and scream death in the face and it doesn't make a bit of a difference. The fact that sometimes you can't do enough for the person you know is going through a hard time. The fact that sometimes, you're just not good enough. Or even sometimes, you're the only things keeping a person from falling apart.

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