Monday, February 7, 2011

Trying and Knowing

You remember those nights that you feel like giving up? Of course you do. What happens when you have one of them? Well, I'm one of those people that come up with a plan of sorts. I know that if I give up I'll be no better than the type of people I pity; those who have given up before it's even over. So what if I tried harder, but stopped caring who noticed? The ones who notice are the only ones who matter, right?

And so it goes that if anyone out there reading this that doesn't know me in real life would think that I'm too young to talk about life like I know what it's about. Maybe those that do know me in real life reading this think I'm too young to talk about what life's about.

I'm going to tell you with conviction that I don't know what it's about. Does anyone? This is just what I have learned so far. I'll learn more, I'm sure. Maybe my perspective will change. I'll see new things, learn new things.

Maybe someday I'll be able to stand up and say that I did my best. Maybe someday I'll be able to stand up and say I touched someone's life in such a simple yet profound way that I'll be able to tell you how that is. Maybe someday I'll be able to say....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Be Yourself

And so it goes that people change over time. Normal, right? Right. But is it normal to change so much in so little time that the people who thought they knew you can't even tell if they're the same person any more?

Why is that? How and why do people change so much? Is it because they're fake now? Or that they'd never been real? They put on so many fake masks to try and please everyone and make everyone happy that they don't know who they are anymore. They've lost themselves among the hundreds of people they've created trying to please others.

My advice for those people is to just be yourself. Let the people that don't like it not like it and don't worry about it because the only person that has to like you is you.

What's that? People won't like you if you're just yourself? Trust me, some will. More people are going to dislike you for your lies and fakeness than the people that don't like you. Why would you want to be fake anyways?